Family Centered Early
Intervention Program

The family-centered early intervention program is offered to families with infants and toddlers with multiple disabilities. With the active involvement of the entire family, we develop an individualized therapy program for each child and guide caregivers to provide the best possible support for their child’s development. 

The multidisciplinary therapy program includes: 

° Physical Therapy

° Functional communication and adaptive play

° Occupational therapy and sensorimotor stimulation

° Development and monitoring of an individual therapy program for home use 

° Training workshops on topics such as eating and swallowing training, pressure sore prevention, first aid, holding, carrying and positioning children with multiple disabilities

Our rehabilitation team receives training developed with foreign experts in real time, multidisciplinary, and always adapted to the latest knowledge and local conditions.


We offer individual physiotherapeutic treatment to children who cannot be included in our early intervention program due to their age or the nature of their impairment, as well as to adolescents and adults. A wide range of training equipment and aids are available in our well-equipped facilities.


In November 2019, we built the first barrier-free playground in Ethiopia together with the Kukuk Kultur association. It was built under therapeutic, educational and ecological aspects almost exclusively from local natural materials. Outdoor play provides the children in the rehabilitation program with a wealth of new sensory and movement experiences. In the future, we will also invite children from the neighborhood to our playground, thus promoting encounters between children with and without disabilities.


Interdisciplinary collaboration is critical in early intervention and physical therapy. Our wheelchair mechanics and the rehab team work closely together in the provision of aids. It is not only the children who benefit from this. The teams also expand and deepen their professional competencies and skills through the exchange.